Crypto Crash. What to invest in now? Here is a solution

Crypto market is highly volatile, you can make a fortune in a very short time, but you can also lose a lot of money. It is therefore advisable to invest only money that you are certain you will not need in the short term. So, in the face of this crypto crash, what to invest in now?

Crypto Crash. What to invest in now? Here is a solution
Stock market crash news

Another piece of advice to follow is that of diversification in assets and temporal diversification. In this way, by not putting all the eggs in the same basket and at different times, the possibility of catching the value or values at a maximum decreases a lot. If investments are made periodically rather than on a one-off basis, the ability to absorb downturns and upturns is much better and stability is a great friend of the investor.
As for asset diversification, it is recommended to invest in non-correlated assets. Examples of this kind of assets are those that do not go up and down at the same time. For that reason, it would be like investing in a single product and you would be in the same situation. Therefore, I invite you to think about a purchase that, for the same price, offers you a tangible asset with a very stable price and an annual return of approximately 0.5% to 1%, and which also offers you a crypto asset for the same price.

Next Gallery NFT Advantages

I am talking about the possibility of buying a work of art by a renowned artist (painting, sculpture, or another format) and receiving an NFT of the same work for the same price.
All of this has multiple advantages which I list below:

  • Double your investment for the same money: 100% of the value of the investment in a physical asset
  • We offer you a custody service until you decide to sell it or store it in your crypto wallet. and 100% in an art NFT. That is really useful if you don’t have a wallet to store the NFT.
  • Stabilize 100% of your investment in an artwork that you can enjoy at home and get an NFT with which you have a very high possibility of obtaining high returns.
  • You diversify your portfolio with a very uncorrelated asset in the crypto world such as an artwork.

So shop around. You will not find an investment like this, backed by artists of the stature of Juan Cortés Amaya, Clara de Bobes, Sasha Asensio.

Go to Next Age Gallery and choose your favorite work. Your investment in the future is assured

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